Busy Mum of 3 Ditches the Fads and Drops a Massive 15 kgs in 1 Year


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Are you eating well and exercising a lot, yet can’t seem to see results and can’t figure out why?

Do you KNOW that you need to make change, but are fearful that going on ANOTHER diet will mean that you have to restrict yourself or eat boring food?

Well, Annabel was there too… Until she did my 3 Week Body Reset

I am blown away with her story and how well this lower carb diet has worked (and continues to work) for her.

Before Annabel did the 3 Week Body Reset she was 20 kgs overweight, had acne, was exhausted and not seeing results - despite her commitment to an active lifestyle and eating (what she thought) was healthy.

Things didn’t make sense.

After 1 week on the 3 Week Body Reset, she was down 5 kgs and then by the end she was down 8. Her energy increased, skin cleared up and confidence grew as she quickly realised that this style of eating would be her new norm.

Here is the interview, it should be sure to inspire you!


Before you started your journey with the 3 Week Body Reset:

 What were your physical symptoms you were unhappy with?

Before I joined the 3 Week Reset I had it had been just over a year since the birth of my 3rd baby. I put on a decent amount of weight with each pregnancy (17-20kg), and had never really lost all the weight in between each child. I was basically pregnant for 4 years and while I ate reasonably well I was just uncomfortable in my body.

How were you feeling emotionally?

I was very negative about myself which definitely didn't help my mental health. I turned to food for comfort, especially chocolate. I was ready for a change and had tried and failed with numerous fads (juice cleanse, shake diets) which made me just feel even worse that I couldn't commit and achieve my goal.

What do you think was holding you back? Ie, what were you doing wrong?

I had started to exercise more frequently and had always been active. I assumed I was eating fairly well but it was when I listened to a video on your instagram that I had a lightbulb moment. You spoke about eating too much and while we assumed we were doing the right things it was far to many calories for our bodies to handle. I would do a workout then figure I could eat whatever as the workout cancelled out the "bad' food. I was motivated but didn't have the education as to what my body actually needed.

Had you tried other diet plans in the past? If so, what were they and why do you think that they didn't work?

I had a friend who was selling a shake diet and gave it a go. The information provided was poor and it wasn't sustainable. Again the lightbulb moment made me realise that the short term weight loss wasn't going to work long term as you'd fall off the wagon so to speak. It didn't work for me as I got hungry as I wasn't eating enough to fill me so I would just end up eating more. I tried eating GF thinking it was healthier. Since listening to your podcast I now realise that was a fail too.

After doing the 3 Week Body Reset:

What were your results from the 3 Week Body Reset?

Within the first week on the reset I had lost around 5 kg. Obviously this was water weight but I immediately felt a huge sense of achievement and the determination to keep going. After the 2nd week my mother in-law commented, and by the time I had finished I was 8 kg down and had numerous people noticing that I was slimmer, happier and had more energy.

I’d never really noticed an issue with bloating but started to notice that I would go to bed feeling light and not full and uncomfortable from my day of eating. My skin certainly cleared up too, which was a huge bonus as an acne sufferer. Energy wise I definitely felt more alive and able to handle my 3 children and home workouts.

What have you now learnt?

I have learnt that food is fuel. I see it as a way to nourish and thank my body now.

The 3 Week Body Reset was easy to follow, it seemed too easy. So, now I realise that weight loss can be easy.

I have seen friends and colleagues on extreme diets, cutting out various things but unhappy and starving. The recipes in the 3 Week Reset were all delicious and I wasn't cutting out food groups or feeling unhappy because I couldn't have this and that.

What has surprised you?

How easy it was...and how adaptable the plan was. I loved having a plan to follow and trying out new recipes and things I didn't have in my diet like bok choy and eggplant. I was never a fan of salads and now I regularly have a Health with Bec salad for lunch.

At this current moment (1 year later):

How do you feel physically? What are your results?

I have kept up this lifestyle for over a year now and am 15 kg down from where I started.

I could never have dreamed that I would be where I am weight wise today.

How does this make you feel emotionally? How long has it been since you began?

I feel so empowered that I now have the tools to work with and have made it just part of my life, not a diet I occasionally do when I need to.

I have become happier in myself and feel more confident when I am dressing, just things fit.

Have you needed to work it in with your work, family or social life?

When I started the reset I was still on maternity leave so had time to plan and prepare.

My husband ate the meals I cooked and I would add in rice or potatoes to help bulk his plate. He actually commented how much better he was feeling and still has his favourite HWB meals he'll ask me to cook - the butter chicken is a massive favourite.

Socially I will still go out when I can and will often choose a meal that has a salad or allow myself that "treat" meal that you teach us is OK to eat a few times a week - knowing that I am continuing to eat well and nourish my body throughout my week.

I would say don't blame yourself or be so strict that you cannot actually enjoy a social time with friends.

What has helped you stay committed, motivated and on track to continue on?

Definitely in the beginning it was seeing the results so quickly and having the comments from friends and family. After the 3 weeks I just wanted to keep going as I felt so good and had the determination to succeed.

What does a rough day in the life look like for you now?

Meal wise I usually start the day with breakfast which is either the Nutty Shake or Berry Shake. The mornings during the weekdays are super busy trying to get my children ready and making lunches whilst sorting myself out to head to work. During the weekends I may have eggs or avocado on paleo toast.

Lunch is normally a salad using the HWB guide I got alongside the reset. Recently I have been having avocado and tomato on paleo toast. Lunch breaks go quick at work so it is easy, yummy and fast.

Dinner will be a HWB meal, current favourites are the red curry steaks, the pad thai, gut loving pizza. Again, quick, easy dinner meals that I could make whilst dealing with the kids especially at the 5pm crazy time.

I usually have a pumpkin loaf made or the HWB balls ready to go for a snack. If not a handful of almonds or an apple to snack on.

Can you see yourself moving forward with this way of eating for life?

100%. This way of eating is so sustainable and easy. I won't lie, there have been a few blips and moments of stress eating especially during lockdowns and uncertain covid times. But I know after that blip it is easy to get back on track.

What advice would you give to someone who was in your position, on the edge to start their journey with me?

It is only 3 weeks.....and honestly your body will thank you. It is so daunting to know how and where to start, but Bec makes it so easy and everything is done for you, you just have to cook and eat amazing food. Simple!

Just woah huh?

Do you feel inspired?

I really hope you can see that it truly IS possible to lose weight without it being hard, complicated or restrictive.

Want to start your journey now too? I would love to help you!

Start here!

Bec xx


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