I'm 30! The 12 Best Lessons from Biz, Health, Dating & Life That I've Learnt in my 20s


Prefer to listen? I’ve recorded this on the podcast too where I elaborate on each lesson quite a bit more!

I have just turned the big 30 😱

Whilst it definitely feels a bit funny to be out of my 20s, I learnt a heck of a lot in that decade…

I had a really good think about what they were and how they could then help you too.

I've broken it up into my top 4 tips for:

  • Biz

  • Health

  • Dating

Here goes!

(1) Business

1. You have to fail & make mistakes to learn

Know that all challenges, lows & mistakes are incredible lessons for growth (but only if you view them in that way). If you don’t view it in that way, you’ll stay stuck. You can’t grow and learn unless you have these times! They’re actually blessings!

2. The to do list will never finish and you’ll never be able to get everything done

So, make peace with this and always start the day by prioritising the most important 2 tasks to get done first. Anything after that is just a bonus.

3. You don’t REALLY need a plan

As long as you have a rough idea about what you’re creating and you work hard each and every week, you’ll actually come up bigger and better incredible ideas along the way - ones that you never would have thought of before.

I had NO idea that I’d create an online program or create a membership when I began, they happened after working with hundreds of women and then realising there was a need. So, put one foot in front of the other and know that you don’t have to have everything worked out from the start!!!

4. Unless you take risks, you will never ever move. Progress comes from risks and feeling uncomfortable.

Those who stay comfortable will always stay in the same spot. Stepping up to the next level is always a risk - it’s not easy. Once you realise this, you push through the fear and know that it’s necessary to achieve big things!

(2) Health

I could write about 100 here !

But, these are the top 4 that come to my head. I learnt most of these in my early 20s!

1. Focussing on fibre and not only calories, is key

You must optimise your gut health if you want to improve any other part of your health - it’s central. Cutting calories without also ensuring you’re meeting your fibre needs for optimal gut health and digestion is a recipe for disaster! FOCUS ON THE GUT.

To ensure you’re eating enough fibre whilst you’re staying in a calorie deficit, you could try my 3 Week Body Reset!

2. Fall in love with healthy fats

Never exclude healthy fats from your meals. They keep you full and prevent overeating for the rest of the day. My favs are avocado, nuts, chia seeds, fatty fish, olive oil & olives. Obviously, you still need to watch your portions with them as they are high in calories, but they definitely need to be included whilst being conscious! To see exactly how to do that, my 3 Week Body Reset shows you.

3. Stress is the most important thing to manage

Without managing that, the rest of your health declines - it’s risk factor for every single health condition (eg weight, PMS and hormone balance, acne, sleep issues, insulin issues, gut issues).

4. If you feel like somethings off, trust yourself.

Don’t go to one GP or one doctor and let them tell you that you’re fine. If you feel like you’re not, KEEP INVESTIGATING. Book in with an integrative doctor to explore your issues in depth.

(3). Dating

1. If they like you you’ll know, if you’re confused - they don’t.

Self explanatory here! I’ve struggled with this one a lot. You shouldn’t have to wonder if they’ll make plans with you or if they’ll text. If they’re doing that or you’re feeling like that, they’re not keen enough!

2. Stop giving them so many chances - if they show you who they are - believe them. Especially if it happens more than 2 times

Of course, things happen from time to time where they will need to cancel. But if this happens more than twice in the early stages, run. I really wish I did this in a few of my dating situations, it would have saved me a lot of pain! Being an empath it’s an extremely hard one for me, as I see the good in everyone - but I’m working on it!! NO MORE in my 30s.

3. Actions speak far louder than words. Only believe the actions

Another one that’s slipped me up. If their actions don’t follow their promises, don’t believe them.

4. If someone rejects you, don’t take it to heart too much (easier said than done I know).

Finding someone that shares the same values and interests as you, laughs with you, gets along with you, feels chemistry with you etc etc is a big deal! Finding all these things in a person is hard - so try not to take it personally, they’re just not your person! Also, you never know what someone else is going through - you could be amazing but it’s the wrong time for them or they could be extremely emotionally unavailable or struggling with something you know nothing about.

So, there we have it!

I hope you learnt something to take forward with you today,

Bec x


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